Monday, October 18, 2010

Lead by Example!

Whenever your willpower starts to wane, try shifting your focus from your negative thoughts to thoughts of your loved ones. Make it your goal to set an example for your family and be a role model for your kids or your friends! Think of how much they'll all benefit from learning and following all the healthy habits you've picked up.

Get everyone in your household accustomed to healthful snacking by ridding your pantry of sugary sweets and overprocessed chips and stocking up on the good stuff, like fresh, seasonal fruits and nuts. Invite family members to go grocery shopping with you and have everyone pick out one new, healthy food to try, like calabaza squash, Swiss chard, pomegranate, flaxseed bread, or quinoa.

To get some family fitness time, schedule weekend bike rides, or go hiking with your spouse once a week (pack a picnic lunch for some romance along the way!). And encourage your little ones to play outside so they're not sitting on the couch all day watching TV or playing video games. If they show an interest in sports, urge them to join a team! Knowing that people are looking up to you can be an excellent way to keep your spirits lifted too!

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