Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pilates — Perfect for All Ages!

If you've discounted Pilates as a passing fitness fad, think again! This resistance exercise has been popular for some time and for good reason. Pilates builds strength, balance, and flexibility, which carry over into every activity and movement you do during the day.

Pilates is all about strengthening your "core" — your spine, abdomen, pelvis, and hips, and all the muscles that hold your body upright and stabilize you. But it's more than just movements; Pilates engages your mind. Form and breathing are critical — you need to really concentrate on your movements and make them count.

Pilates, which can be done as floor exercises on a mat, or on specialized equipment with springs, offers wonderful benefits for people at any stage of life! It strengthens one of your main posture muscles — the transversus abdominis — which is also the muscle that helps push the baby out during childbirth! Pilates is low impact and easily modifiable for specific health conditions, so it's great for people who may suffer from arthritis, osteoporosis, or injuries that preclude other types of exercises. Several studies suggest that Pilates may also reduce lower back pain. And Pilates is great for anyone who wants to build strength and improve body composition.

If you've never done Pilates, challenge yourself to try this fabulous exercise technique this month. It can take time for your body to adjust, so schedule at least three sessions before deciding whether it's for you. You can search the Web for a Pilates studio or class in your area.

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