Friday, July 23, 2010

Manage Your Plan Like a Business

One way to think of approaching your weight-loss journey is to liken the process to that of running a business. In business, you begin with a detailed plan that includes specific information on your goals and what steps you plan to take to achieve them. Also in the plan is a list of possible obstacles you might face and the actions you will take to overcome them should they arise. Once you've thought through and planned for as many variables as you can think of, you open the doors and put the plan into play.

Over time, issues and circumstances will arise that you didn't foresee. But rather than declare the venture a failure and give up, you revisit your plan, fine-tuning it to address and overcome each challenge as it arises.

That's exactly what members of the Duke Diet & Fitness Online program do. They begin with a plan based upon what they know about themselves and their lifestyle now and then adjust it as needed over time to ensure continued advancement toward their goals.

Along the way, we offer detailed information to make the plan work — from strategies for facing common dilemmas like plateaus and "diet fatigue" to tips for keeping up the momentum, overcoming slip-ups, and preventing the pounds from coming back. Consider us your key ally in this new venture to control your weight.

Often the reason people have trouble achieving their weight-loss goals is that they lack a comprehensive, long-term plan for achieving success. In our work with patients, we find that taking this long-term "business plan" approach to the business of health is very effective. And so will you!

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