Thursday, August 30, 2012

Boost Your Health with Forgiveness

Are you the type of person who forgives easily, or are you a master at holding a grudge? If the latter, you might be hurting your health and your happiness. Research has found that forgiveness is good for the body, not just the mind!

One study showed that when people dwell on pain and anger from their past, their blood pressure, heart rate, and muscle tension all increased. It makes sense: When your mind is unable to forgive, you hold on to negative energy, and your body can become physically stressed.

Forgiving someone can release this bad energy, changing your overall health and happiness for the better. We all know how hard it can be to forgive someone who has really hurt you, but it's time to put yourself first. Forgiveness improves your health and your life, and that's what matters.

So if there's an old problem or argument that's still hanging around, taking up space in your mind, figure out what it is and how you can let it go. Call up a family member or old friend and call an official truce, for the sake of each other's well-being (or at least your own!). Or realize that you don't even have to contact someone you don't speak to anymore. Simply writing a letter to the person who hurt you can be a helpful exercise in letting go of past pain. When you're done, rip it up into tiny pieces and throw it out of your life forever.

Forgiving and moving on from an old grudge creates much more space in your life for happiness and positivity. Let it all go — you owe it to yourself!

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