Sunday, June 3, 2012

Resisting Temptation at Work

Has this ever happened to you? You're walking past the lunchroom at work and notice a coworker has brought in some chocolate cake. Even though you know you aren't hungry, you stop and dish up a piece. After eating the cake, you realize it wasn't even very good — in fact, it was a little stale! Yuck.
Welcome to the minefield of eating well at work. From vending machines full of junk to free food left in the lunchroom to treats on the receptionist's desk, temptation looms around every corner. And when you consider how many waking hours you spend in the office, it's easy to see why the work environment can pose many hazards to healthy eating.
Try using these techniques for sticking to your plan at work:
Make time for meals. Studies show that when people eat in front of a computer, they eat more and feel less satisfied. Plan some time into your workday to take a break, get up from your desk, sit at a table, and really focus on your food.
Pack your snacks. If trips to the vending machine are tripping you up, bring an assortment of healthy snacks to have on hand when the afternoon munchies strike.
Walk it off. If you're a desk potato, make efforts to add movement into your day. Take the stairs. Park further away. Deliver that memo in person. Take power walks during breaks. Any movement is better than none.
Change course. If you just can't resist the goodies in the lunchroom or vending machine, alter your path so you don't have to walk past them. You won't know what you're "missing."
Think it through. Before helping yourself to junk food or sweets at work, make yourself wait ten minutes. It's likely that the urge will pass.
Let 'em have it. Chances are, during your ten-minute delay your coworkers will polish off the free food before you get there. Problem solved!
This week, pay attention to the food traps at your workplace. Spend some time thinking about how you can face these situations going forward.

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