Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Coffee: Good or Bad?

To drink coffee or not to drink coffee: That is the question. Over the years, we've received many conflicting messages about this popular and addictive beverage. Concerns that it may lead to high blood pressure and heart disease once prompted some health-conscious folks to give it up, but a few recent studies have shown no link to heart disease in healthy people. In fact, some research indicates that coffee can actually decrease the risk of certain chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes.

Although researchers are still learning about the effects of coffee on health, many experts agree that most people can safely enjoy it in moderation. However, you should keep in mind that only black coffee is calorie-free. The calories in cream, sugar, and coffee flavorings can add up fast — and be easily overlooked. Likewise, lattés and other espresso-based drinks can be surprisingly high in calories — up to 400 per drink! Stick to the old fashioned drip coffee, doctored with skim milk and artificial sweetener if you must add anything.

Keep in mind that coffee can have bothersome effects if you drink too much. If you have trouble sleeping, feel restless or irritable during the day, or have frequent headaches, nausea, diarrhea, or abnormal heart rhythms, it may be time to try cutting back on the joe. Try replacing some or all of the coffee you drink with decaffeinated options like decaf coffee and herbal teas. They provide the warmth and comfort of coffee without the adrenaline jolt.

With a healthy diet and regular physical activity, you might find yourself relying less on caffeine to help get you through the day and more on the natural, abundant energy that comes from living a healthy lifestyle.

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