Friday, December 30, 2011

Sports Drinks: Do You Need Them?

Have you ever wondered if sports drinks really hydrate your body better than water? In short, the answer is no. There's still no substitute for clear, fresh water when it comes to replacing the water in your body that's lost when you exercise. And with zero calories, it's the thirst quencher of choice for people who are trying to manage their weight.

However, that doesn't mean sports drinks don't have their place. Sports drinks contain minerals called electrolytes (including salt and potassium) that your body loses when you sweat. Electrolytes are necessary for carrying out many functions in the body, so replacing lost electrolytes with a sports drink can be beneficial when you're exercising for more than 60 minutes at a time or when you are sweating excessively, as in hot weather.

Sports drinks also contain carbohydrates (in the form of sugar) for energy, which can also be beneficial if you're working out for more than an hour. But be aware that with energy comes added calories. While sports drinks are lower in calories than fruit juice or soft drinks, they still contain about 50 calories per 8-ounce serving, which can add up quickly if you drink, say, an entire 32-ounce bottle over the course of your workout.

The bottom line? Go ahead and have a sports drink to help yourself rehydrate and refuel during long, strenuous workouts. But for shorter or less intense workouts, make water your sports beverage of choice.

The Weight-Depression Connection

Did you know that in any given year, around 18 million American adults deal with depression or a related condition? Depression is more than just persistent feelings of sadness or being "down in the dumps" — it's an illness that affects your body, your mood, and your thoughts. It's a leading cause of disability, and experts think that many people who experience depression do not receive a diagnosis or treatment. That's a shame, since treatment helps 80 percent of people recover from episodes of depression within a year.

While the connection is not yet understood, experts have noticed a link between obesity, lack of physical activity, and depression. The relationship between depression and weight gain can be likened to the chicken-and-egg scenario. Sometimes depression strikes first, leading to weight gain and an inability to muster the motivation needed to tackle the problem. Other times, excess weight gain leads to depression, which then makes tackling the weight gain even harder.

In any case, it's important to know that safe and effective treatments for depression, including cognitive behavioral therapy (either alone or in combination with prescription medications), are available. Medical studies have shown that regular exercise, along with other treatments, can also help to relieve the symptoms of depression.

Help is out there — but to get it, you must take the first step. In addition to eating well and getting regular exercise, talk with your doctor if you have concerns about your mood. If you have depression, facing it will only make all your life struggles — including the one with your weight — much easier to face. So don't delay.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Get Active as a Family

If your time-crunched day leaves you feeling like you have to choose between fitness and family time, here's some good news: You can combine the two!

The benefits of making family time active time go far beyond physical fitness. Being active as a family also promotes family bonding, encourages time outdoors, and reduces time spent on sedentary activities like watching television or playing video games. Active family time is a great opportunity for you to model a positive attitude toward fitness for your kids and teach them healthy habits that will benefit them throughout their lives. It's also a chance for you to have some fun and play as if you're a kid again!

Need some ideas for activities that everyone will enjoy? Here are some to get you started:

  • Go for a bike ride.
  • Take a swim at the pool or lake.
  • Walk around a local track.
  • Hike a wilderness trail.
  • Walk along the beach.
  • Take a trip to the local rink for roller-, ice-, or in-line skating.
  • Play a game of catch or touch football.
  • Play at a local playground.
  • Jump rope or play hopscotch.
  • Walk around at the zoo.
  • Play tag, hide-and-seek, or keep-away.

Once you start brainstorming, no doubt you'll find there are all types of active pastimes you can enjoy as a family. So go ahead, ask your kids out on a "play date." You will be able to check exercise off your to-do list and enjoy spending quality time with your kids to boot!

Get a Sexy Stomach with This Move!

This season, it's time to get that midriff you've always wanted! While your regular cardio workouts are important for burning the fat that's lying on top of your stomach muscles, you'll also want to work your abs with twisting crunches — you'll whittle your middle in no time!

Start by lying flat on your back, making sure that there is no space between your spine and the floor or mat. Contract your abdominal muscles and lift your head and shoulders about 6 inches off the floor, but don't use momentum to lift yourself; you should truly feel your stomach muscles squeezing! Then, twist slightly to the side, reaching your hand to the outside of your right thigh. Keep your shoulders off the floor, holding the reach, and pulse for two sets of 8 to 12 reps; if your neck starts to hurt, double-check your positioning. After you rest for 15 seconds, switch to the left side and repeat the exercise.

With practice, crunches will have your stomach looking the best it ever has!

Monday, December 26, 2011

What Not To Drink Before Bed

If you think a cocktail before bed will help you sleep better, you'd better think again! Sure, a glass of wine or two may make you sleepy, but you might find yourself tossing and turning at around 2 a.m. The reason? Your body actually experiences symptoms of withdrawal from alcohol once it's been digested, and that can lead to less than sound sleep.

Another big no-no before bed is caffeine. And this doesn't just mean coffee — an obvious source — but also soda, certain teas, and even chocolate! Remember, caffeine is a stimulant, so if you want to have a restful night's sleep, consider skipping the caffeine, or at least avoid consuming it four to six hours before bed. That's another good reason to skip a slice of gooey chocolate cake for dessert!

The Benefits of Quitting Smoking

If you smoke cigarettes or use other tobacco products, you no doubt have heard of the risk they pose to your health. Smokers face an increased risk of premature death and disability from heart attack, lung cancer, lung diseases like chronic bronchitis and emphysema, and stroke, among other ills. Being overweight also increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, creating a health-risk double whammy when smoking and overweight are combined. But no matter how long you have been a smoker, it's never too late to quit and start reversing the damage tobacco use can cause.

If you need more inspiration, here are some additional benefits of quitting smoking:

  • Reduced risk of mouth, throat, esophageal, bladder, and cervical cancer
  • Reduced risk of peripheral artery disease (impaired circulation to the lower body)
  • Fewer signs of premature aging of the skin
  • Fewer breathing problems and coughs
  • Fewer colds and other illnesses
  • More energy
  • Elimination of smoking odors and mess
  • More money
  • More control over your life

While quitting smoking is difficult, today there are more treatments and resources to help you do it than ever before. Talk to your doctor about your options, which include nicotine replacement patches or gum, behavioral therapy, support groups, and prescription medications like Zyban and Chantrix. There is excellent help and advice available at no charge from the National Network of Tobacco Cessation Quitlines at 1-800-QUITNOW (1-800-784-8669) and from the following Web sites:

Using Meal Replacements

You've probably seen shakes and bars designed to be drunk or eaten in place of a regular meal. You may wonder, Are they a good choice for weight loss?

In general, it's better to learn how to choose healthy foods and eat them in reasonable portions than rely on a shake or bar to do it for you. However, meal replacements can be a good choice if you use them to replace a meal, such as breakfast, that you would normally skip. They can also be a healthy choice if you're caught in a pinch or need to eat on the go.

While meal replacements can be a convenient way to cut calories, it's important to keep in mind that not all products are created equal. Check the Nutrition Facts panel and make sure that the number of calories and other nutrient values fit in with your meal plan. At the Duke Diet & Fitness Center, we often recommend brands like Slim-Fast and Glucerna.

Also keep in mind that drinking a shake or eating a bar may not be as emotionally or physically satisfying as eating a well-balanced meal containing the same amount of calories. For example, compare drinking a 220-calorie meal replacement shake with eating a breakfast of one cup of fresh strawberries, four ounces of low-fat yogurt, and a slice of whole wheat toast. The second meal has the same amount of calories, but it would probably leave you feeling much more satisfied.

So make time for "real" food whenever you can, and use meal replacements as a backup plan. Remember, a meal replacement may be a better choice than a burger and fries, but there's no substitute for learning to make healthy food choices for life.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Green Tea and Weight Loss

You may have noticed ads for products containing green tea or green tea extract that promise easier weight loss and a higher metabolism. But do these products work? The short answer: No one yet knows for sure.

First, you need to remember to be wary of any product that promises a quick and easy path to weight loss. These magic bullets just don't exist! No pill or potion can replace the need for a balanced diet and regular exercise in your effort to lose weight and keep it off.

However, that doesn't mean green tea has no place in a healthy diet. Research suggests that this beverage may have some healthy advantages. Green tea is loaded with antioxidants called polyphenols, and preliminary research has linked it to a decreased risk of cancer and heart attack. Some research suggests that compounds in green tea known as catechins might also help aid weight loss. However, the research so far is inconclusive, and more studies will need to be done before nutrition experts understand the effects of green tea on health.

That said, green tea is a calorie-free choice, and a hot cup serves as a soothing treat that contains about as much caffeine as black tea or slightly less. So brew yourself a cup, flavor it with lemon or ginger if you like, and enjoy!

Monday, November 28, 2011

A Healthy Take on Italian Food

If you love Italian food, here's good news! You don't have to give it up as part of a healthier lifestyle. But it may be a good idea to make some changes to the items you usually order. You can trim calories and fat while still enjoying a great meal. Try these tips for eating Italian the healthy way:

  • Skip over the bread dripping in garlic butter or dipped in olive oil.
  • Start your meal with a green salad or a healthy appetizer like marinated vegetables.
  • Choose pasta paired with low-fat sauces like marinara, primavera, red or white clam, mushroom, white wine, or tomato and basil.
  • Control pasta portions. Aim for a 1½-cup serving. Since many Italian restaurants serve about twice that amount, it may be a good idea to have half of your portion boxed up to go right away. You won't be tempted to overeat if there isn't too much food on your plate, and you will have leftovers to enjoy another time.
  • Be careful with pastas stuffed with cheese. Watch portions and choose a low-fat sauce like marinara.
  • Avoid creamy sauces like Alfredo — they're high in calories and fat.
  • Watch out for risottos made with butter and cheese.
  • Cacciatore, scampi, and marsala dishes are good lower-fat choices (remember to watch the portion size and inquire about preparation).
  • When eating out, consider splitting an entrée with someone else. If you share one pasta dish and one lean protein dish with a companion, you can both have a balanced meal and enjoy a reasonable portion.
  • End the meal with fresh fruit or an espresso or cappuccino. If you'd like to order a richer dessert, share it with your companion.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Trick to Look and Feel Better Instantly

Want to know a secret about how you can look better instantly? It's simple: Straighten up your posture! Proper posture truly does affect the way you look and feel. Unfortunately, many of us walk with less-than-upright posture, and it's even worse when we sit. Ever find yourself hunched over your computer at work? Yep, most of us do! It's a matter of training your body to sit or stand up nice and tall.

First, assess your current posture; then make improvements. Imagine balancing your head squarely over your shoulders; realign your shoulders so they are neither in front of your chest nor behind it. By perking up your posture, you'll dramatically improve your appearance and look pounds lighter — and you'll feel more confident too. Focus on how amazing your body feels, and try to make your body memorize the position.

After a few weeks, your new posture will become a habit. All it takes is a few seconds, so try it now! You'll feel self-assured and look your slimmest — one step closer to being the best YOU you can be!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Coping With Cravings

This week, let's focus on cravings. You know, those urges that tell you to stop everything and eat a certain food? The truth is, these cravings and urges are normal and to be expected. They are not a sign of failure. Instead, they provide an opportunity to learn what your triggers are.

Try thinking of cravings as ocean waves. Just as a wave recedes after it peaks, a craving will recede if you do not feed it with your thoughts or actions. Instead of giving in to a craving right away, give it some time to pass. Distract yourself for a few minutes by reading or writing in your journal, taking deep breaths, going for a walk, talking about how you feel, or using such positive self-talk as "This urge won't last forever, and I am in control. I am feeling uncomfortable, but I can wait this out." Remember, bingeing might make you feel better for a short while, but you will feel better in the long run if you find a healthier outlet instead.

After a few minutes, check in with yourself. Feeling better? If not, give yourself a few more minutes. Once the intensity of the moment passes, look back and try to analyze what was going on at the time the craving began. Can you identify what triggered it? A feeling? Situation? Person? Event?

Once you've identified the trigger or triggers, develop a short list of other ways you can react to them besides eating. In time, you'll learn to recognize situations that trigger cravings in advance and be better prepared to face them. Be patient with yourself. It takes time to break old patterns.

Remember, the more you confront your cravings, the better you will be able to deal with them. So when you experience a craving, don't run away or give in. Use it as an opportunity to become aware of what you really need. Soon you'll be riding the wave instead of the crave!

9 Healthy Carbs to Help You Lose Weight!

Who hasn't been tempted by no-carb diets? They seem to work, and they yield results quickly. But what about those of us who can't part with fresh-baked bread or steaming rice? I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to give up all that good, nutritious food that quickly! Plus, breads and cereals can add important fiber to your diet and give you energy to keep going! We all need those benefits!

I've learned that you can eat carbs and still lose weight. You just need to make good choices and watch your portion sizes. Here are some seriously healthy carbs for you to experiment with:

  • Whole-grain bread
  • Whole-grain or legume-based pasta
  • Whole-grain cereal
  • Barley
  • Quinoa
  • Brown and wild rice
  • Oatmeal
  • Popcorn
  • Sprouted grains

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dive Into Aqua Fitness

Do you wish you could find a workout routine that could provide you with a total body workout without making you break a sweat? Maybe it's time to get into the swim of things!

Water aerobics and other aqua fitness programs are a good fit for people who don't like to exercise, haven't exercised in a while, or who have health problems like arthritis or back pain. The buoyancy of the water offsets the pull of gravity, making you feel lighter. Water also provides some resistance (as you know if you've ever tried walking in water) without putting a lot of strain on your joints. Water workouts cover all the bases at once: cardio, strength training, and flexibility. And like any other form or cardio exercise, they can help you burn excess body fat.

Perhaps the best part is that even though you're getting a strenuous workout, your body doesn't feel like the workout is strenuous. Odds are, you will leave the pool feeling refreshed — not exhausted. Plus, you are much less likely to experience pain or an injury than with land-based exercises.

When choosing a water fitness class, look for one that provides a good warm-up followed by cardiovascular and strength-building sessions and then a gradual cool-down focusing on flexibility. Ask your instructor about his or her background — the instructor should be certified in water fitness. If you have arthritis, make sure the pool is kept at a temperature between 83 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. In that range, the water will help warm up your muscles without overheating you.

Sound like a good workout for you? Check out the options at your local community pool, YWCA, or gym — and dive in!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Resisting Food Advertising

Have you ever noticed that the foods advertised the most heavily also tend to have the highest calorie counts and lowest nutritional value? Promoting junk food and fast food is big business. Companies spend millions of dollars a year in an attempt to get you to choose their burger or chip over another brand. These highly advertised foods are plentiful, easy to get, inexpensive, and engineered to taste good.

Ironically, there is little advertising promoting the foods we should be eating — like whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and beans and legumes. Bombarded with powerful advertising images saying that nutritionally poor foods are best, it's no wonder we're reaching for the wrong foods! Some have compared the effort of trying to eat healthy in modern society with trying to be a recovered alcoholic in a town with a bar on every block.

How can you maintain a healthy weight in spite of the pressure to eat unhealthy foods? Try these tips:

Get the info. After you see an ad that makes junk food look tempting, boot up your computer, check out the manufacturer's Web site, and find the nutrition information for that food. When you see that the food is packed with calories, fat, or sodium, it probably won't seem so appealing.

Empower yourself to make healthier choices. We've all been in a situation where we need to eat and the only options for miles around aren't particularly healthy ones. If you find yourself with nowhere to go but a fast-food restaurant or convenience store, you need to know which choices are better than others. Reach for fresh foods like salads and sandwiches with lean meat and vegetables. Hold the dressing, mayo, and other high-calorie toppings, or have them on the side so you can easily control them.

At the grocery store, stick to the perimeter. Most heavily advertised, processed snack foods live in the inner aisles of the grocery store. To avoid temptation, skip those aisles altogether (or just pop in to retrieve healthy items on your shopping list). The perimeter aisles, which typically house fresh foods, are where you want to be.

Question the ads. Would you be as tempted to eat that cheeseburger if it were promoted by an overweight and out-of-shape model (which would be more realistic) rather than the thin, fit, happy-looking one taking a bite? Is the food really the best choice for you and your waistline? Do you really "need" it? Probably not!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Eat More Often, Lose More Weight!

Tell me if this sounds familiar: You didn't have time to eat breakfast, and you got so busy with work or errands that you missed lunch; now it's about 3 p.m. and your tummy is rumbling, so you pull over at the closest convenience store, grab a pack of doughnuts, and proceed to devour them in the car as you race toward your next appointment. Whew!

If some version of that scenario happens to you more often than not, it's time you get on a regular eating schedule. Sticking to a schedule is important because it will help you control your hunger. You may think that skipping meals will help you lose weight because you'll eat fewer calories — but the opposite is actually true! People who skip meals actually tend to eat more calories when they finally do eat.

If you eat regularly throughout the day, however, your hunger level will always be in control, so you won't have a hard time keeping your portions in check and staying away from unhealthy foods. In fact, your body will get used to specific mealtimes, so you won't find yourself feeling hunger pangs at random times during the day — when you're out and about with no healthy food in sight!

Here's your goal for the coming week: Stick to your eating schedule! That means eating breakfast, lunch, dinner, and one to two snacks. Space your meals so that you eat at least every four hours or so. You should also try to eat your meals and snacks around the same time of day every day. I promise you, this will NOT make you gain weight — eating on a schedule will help you look fabulous and feel energized throughout the day!

Make Social Events Work for You

For many people, socializing means eating and drinking. There's a wonderful social aspect to eating, and you don't have to lose that pleasure — when you learn how to make it work for you and not against you. You can have plenty of fun and pleasure, as you discover the secrets of smart socializing. Here are some strategies you can try:

  • Change the location. Suggest a non-food-centered outing from time to time. Plan a trip to a museum, for example, rather than a dinner out.
  • Work the clock. Try to plan the outing either before or after standard mealtimes — at 10 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, or 8 at night, for example. That way, a meal won't be on your or your companions' mind.
  • Eat before you go. You'll be less tempted to reach for unhealthy foods in social settings if you eat a balanced meal before you go.
  • Watch the alcohol. In addition to providing empty calories that your body doesn't need, alcohol can also impair your judgment. Stick to one drink and then switch to water, iced tea, or a diet beverage.
  • Visualize success. If you know food will be the focus of an outing, spend some time visualizing yourself making good food choices and managing your portions before you go.
  • Bring a healthy option. If the event is a potluck, bring along a green salad, a vegetable tray, a low-fat dish, or a fruit salad to assure there will be a healthy dish available.
  • Enlist your friends. Your friends can be your best supporters. So don't be afraid to let them in on your needs. For example, a friend may be more than happy to choose a restaurant with healthy options or split an entrée with you if you suggest it.

This week, imagine yourself facing some of the common social situations in your life. Journal about the challenges you might face and how you plan to handle them.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Boost Your Body Image

When you think of your body, what thoughts come to mind? Do you focus on what's "wrong"? Do you feel embarrassed about your body? Like so many people who struggle with weight, you may find it difficult — or perhaps not even know how — to work toward a healthier relationship with your own body. But you can learn to accept and appreciate yourself.

A healthy lifestyle is about more than eating well and exercising — it is about accepting and embracing your body and treating it well. It's not about waiting until you've reached some ideal weight or some particular goal before learning to notice what's good about yourself and your body. After all, staying motivated requires that we celebrate every success. Maybe your clothes feel a little looser or you're feeling better about the way you look — it's important to notice all the steps along the way.

Remember, few people fit into or can ever obtain the supermodel standard of beauty. Yet, media images bombarding us with cellulite-free thighs, rock-hard abs, and flat tummies create unreasonable, expectations and can leave us feeling inferior if we feel we don't measure up.

This week, pay particular attention to the messages you send yourself about your body. Are they mainly negative? If so, practice replacing them with more self-accepting thoughts. Take a look in the mirror and find the things about your body that you like, and say that you like them out loud. Start thinking of your body as something special that deserves your great care and attention.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Healthy Pre-Workout Snacks

Do you often have a snack before your workouts? While eating before you exercise may seem a little counterintuitive — after all, isn't one of the aims of exercise to burn calories? — it can actually be a good move. If it's time for your workout but you haven't eaten anything for a few hours or more, a snack can give you the energy you need to get going. And it can prevent you from being so hungry when you're done exercising that you make poor food choices.

The best pre-workout snack is one that includes carbohydrates, which provide an energy boost, and protein, which sustains the energy boost and helps you feel satisfied longer. Here are some ideas:

  • Half a bagel with low-fat cream cheese
  • An apple with reduced-fat cheddar cheese
  • A banana with peanut butter
  • Yogurt with berries
  • A few crackers with tuna
  • One slice of bread with turkey

The key is to keep your portion small — around 50 to 100 calories. Eat your snack 30 minutes to an hour before you work out, keeping in mind that the body takes a little longer to absorb the energy from foods containing fat.

And before you stock up on energy bars or other products that promise to give you a boost during your workout, take note: While these products can be a convenient option, they can also be high in calories. If you do choose a sports bar, look for small ones that contain 100 calories or less.

Monday, November 14, 2011

When Life Throws You a Curveball

Even if you're not a baseball fan, you know a curveball is a tricky pitch: It doesn't follow the path you expect, it can surprise you by arriving when you're not ready for it, and if you're not careful, it can leave you with a painful bruise. That's why we refer to unexpected developments in life as curveballs.

Change can be an unsettling experience. And yet, it's been said that the one thing you can count on in life is change. Life's curveballs often force you into situations you wouldn't have chosen otherwise. However, if you look at change as an opportunity rather than an obstacle, you can harness the opportunity to change and guide it to your advantage.

The key is to use problem-solving skills when you're coping with unexpected change. Identify the problems that the change presents, come up with a plan for dealing with them, and then try the plan out and adapt it as necessary. In addition, try these tips:

  • Look at the big picture. This can help you gain perspective on how the change fits into your life. It's the whole game that counts, not a single inning.
  • Stay on base. Turn to the constants in your life — your values, beliefs, and passions — as a way to offset the discomfort the unknowns of change can bring.
  • Be realistic. Expect that there will be some difficulties along the path of change and that things may not happen as quickly or as easily as you want.
  • Take care of yourself. Get plenty of rest and exercise, and eat a balanced diet. Avoid self-destructive coping techniques like binge eating, drinking too much, or burning the candle at both ends. They'll just leave you less able to cope with the stress of change.
  • Ask for help. If the change is too confusing or overwhelming to cope with on your own, ask for help in facing the challenge from others.

Take some time this week to think about how you've handled change in your life in the past and what you'd like to do differently going forward. Are there changes in your life you are fighting now? Write in your journal about what they are and how they could be good for you. Soon, life's curveballs won't throw you for such a loop.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Taste This Unbelievably Low-Fat French Toast

Whole-Wheat French Toast With Fresh Strawberries

3 tablespoons sugar-free raspberry or strawberry spreadable fruit
2 cups sliced strawberries
1 large egg
1 large egg white
2/3 cup low-fat (1 percent) milk
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Pinch ground nutmeg
1 tablespoon unsalted butter, divided
8 slices thin whole-wheat bread

Preheat the oven to 200°F. Place a serving platter in the oven to hold the French toast.

Place the fruit spread in a medium bowl and stir until smooth. Stir in the strawberries. Set aside. In a pie plate or shallow bowl, beat the egg, egg white, milk, vanilla extract, and nutmeg with a fork until blended. Melt 1/2 tablespoon butter in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Dip a bread slice into the egg mixture, letting it soak briefly on both sides. Place the soaked slice in the skillet; add 1 or 2 more soaked slices. Cook, turning once, until lightly golden, about 3 minutes per side.

Place the cooked French toast in the oven to keep warm. Repeat with the remaining bread slices, adding the remaining 1/2 tablespoon butter as needed. Serve the French toast hot with the strawberry mixture on top.

Makes 4 servings

Per serving (2 slices): 270 calories, 38g carbohydrates, 11g protein, 10g total fat, 70mg cholesterol, 4g dietary fiber, 300mg sodium

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Dealing With "High Risk" Situations

Do you ever feel as if you're in a situation in which your eating can easily get out of your control? Perhaps it's every time you go to a party, when you're at a buffet, while you're doing certain activities like shopping, or when you're feeling very hungry, bored, tired, or stressed out.

Whatever the reasons, it's a good idea to think back over situations that led you to overeat in the past — to learn about yourself and develop strategies for dealing with similar circumstances should they arise in the future. Take some time to write about a past situation, answering the following questions:

  • What were the circumstances? Where were you? Who were you with? What were you doing? And so on.
  • How were you feeling physically? Were you hungry? Sleepy? Feeling a little weak or run down?
  • How were you feeling emotionally? Were you anxious or sad? Angry or tense? Happy or joyful?
  • What thoughts were going through your mind?
  • Were you aware of any specific cues to eat, such as the presence of trigger foods, or friends eating in front of you?

Be as specific as you can, and remember that the important thing is to recall the details of the situations that led you to overeat — to identify the triggers but not dwell excessively on "what went wrong." This is not an exercise in beating yourself up!

Once you've written about a high-risk situation, brainstorm some strategies you could have used to avoid overeating. Evaluate these options, and then choose a couple of helpful and realistic ones to keep in mind for the next time you find yourself in a similar situation.

If you give this exercise careful thought, then the next time you face a high-risk situation, things won't feel so out of control. Think of it as planning for success!

Four Teas That Will Help You Catch Some Extra Z's!

There's nothing like a hot cup of tea to make you feel all warm and relaxed before turning in after a busy day. Not only is tea delicious, but routinely making a mug at night might help you unwind and sleep better — especially because some caffeine-free herbal teas, such as chamomile and peppermint, are said to help relieve insomnia. Here's a list of teas that might help you catch some extra z's!

  • Chamomile: Besides being able to soothe the occasional upset stomach or bout of nausea, chamomile is also a calming sleep aid with no known side effects.
  • Peppermint: Although it's associated more with relieving indigestion, peppermint tea is a relaxing before-bed treat.
  • Jasmine: Known for its ability to help relieve headache pain, this soothing herbal supplement makes a fragrant and flavorful tea that's effective in promoting sleep in adults; it's considered mild enough to treat children's sleep disorders too.
  • Sage: Said to be an effective sleep aid, sage may also help alleviate depression and certain nervous conditions that might keep you from getting a good night's sleep.

With so many types of teas, and flavors, to choose from, you'll really be able to make this a personal part of your nighttime ritual. Feeling relaxed and calm in the evenings — I'll drink to that!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Get the Best Workout Gear!

Unsure about what to wear to the gym, or feeling reluctant to shop for exercise clothes? It's not uncommon. Good news! You can wear anything you want to when working out — whatever you feel most comfortable in! Just make sure your clothing isn't too baggy or tight, so that you can move around properly. If you want something new, ask a friend to go shopping with you, or talk to a saleswoman at a department store. Some exercise clothing is specially made to absorb sweat or give your body enough air circulation so that you don't overheat. In general, cotton is an excellent fabric for exercise clothes because it is super-absorbent, comes in a huge variety of thicknesses and is easy to care for. You may want to layer your clothes or tie a sweatshirt around your waste — the air conditioning in the gym might be cold, the sun outside can get hot (even in the winter) — especially when you start working up a sweat!

Old sweatpants, your husband's extra large T-shirt (ask him first!), a pair of cargo shorts? It doesn't matter! It's all 100 percent acceptable attire for working out. There is one standard rule, though: for safety reasons, you'll probably want to wear athletic sneakers, which have good support for your feet and ankles.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Self-talk and Exercise

When you work out, what messages are running through your head? How you think about exercise greatly influences how you feel about it — and how likely you are to stick with it. If your self-talk during exercise is all negative, your experience with exercise will be negative, too.

Do any of the following thoughts sound familiar?

  • I don't like exercise.
  • I'm not a natural athlete.
  • I'll never get better at this.
  • Everyone is looking at me.
  • I missed a workout, so I may as well give up.
  • I'm too tired for this.
  • I'm never going to reach my goal.
  • If I exercise, I'll feel exhausted afterward.

If any of these — or any other — negative messages come to mind during your workouts, try replacing them with the following:

  • I will keep trying until I find an activity I enjoy.
  • My body is made to move.
  • I will gain skill over time.
  • Others can think what they like — I won't let it stop me.
  • I may have missed a workout, but I can get back on track today.
  • I'm tired, but I'll aim for just 10 minutes of exercise and then see how I feel.
  • I can and will reach my goal.
  • After I exercise, I really feel good about myself.

This week, pay attention to the thoughts you're having during exercise and focus on replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. Doing so will make your workouts more productive and enjoyable.

Best Sugar Substitutes

A big myth about diets is that they force you to eat less tasty food. When you make the choice to cut your calories by cutting sugar, don’t think that you have to cut out the sweetness. You can use sugar substitutes as long as you steer clear of chemical sweeteners, which are linked to a number of heath issues. Here is a breakdown of the sugar substitutes I recommend:

1. Stevia. Originating from subtropical South America, stevia is grown throughout the world from China to New Zealand to Canada. Also known as sweetleaf or sugarleaf and primarily marketed as a dietary supplement, one form of this plant has been recently granted Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status by the FDA and can now be used in food. This is great news as stevia is prized as a sugar substitute because it has a negligible effect on blood sugar, making it a favorite of those who are on a carbohydrate or sugar-restricted diet. Even more encouraging, recent research shows that stevia has promise in helping treat obesity and hypertension.

2. Xylitol. A naturally occurring sugar alcohol, xylitol in its purest form looks like a white crystalline substance. It has a similar look and taste to sugar, although it is a little less sweet. Xylitol is found in beets, berries, mushrooms and corncobs. Despite its exotic name, our bodies produce small amounts of xylitol from the foods we eat. In fact, it’s an essential part of our everyday metabolism. Many types of gum contain xylitol and when chewed, this sugar substitute stimulates saliva production, which helps guard against tooth decay. Like stevia, xylitol does not raise blood sugar the way traditional sugar does, although it has been known to give people gas if consumed in larger quantities (more than 15 grams per day).

3. Agave Nectar. You may have heard of agave nectar in a context outside its use as a sugar substitute. Agave is the plant used to make tequila, a drink responsible for some of the worst hangovers in history. But the agave plant also provides a natural sugar substitute that is great for teas, coffees and other hot beverages. As a low glycemic sweetener, it doesn’t cause a sharp rise and fall in blood sugar and is ideal for diabetics or those on a low glycemic diet.

Agave is much sweeter to the taste than regular sugar, so the amount used should be adjusted accordingly. For baking, agave nectar makes a nice lower-calorie alternative to liquid sweeteners such as honey. However, use caution because the nectar tends to brown at higher temperatures.

4. Brown Rice Syrup. One of the most distinctive sugar substitutes, brown rice syrup has a butterscotch taste, while others have detected caramel flavors as well. With only 13 calories per teaspoon, this sugar substitute is less sweet than sugar, making it a good sweetener for baking goods. (Coffee and tea drinkers may find it a little too bland, however.) Although less sweet than sugar and most other sugar substitutes, do not overindulge with this rice-based sweetener because it contains a fair amount of glucose.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Eating Healthfully While Traveling

When you're traveling for business or pleasure, it can be tempting to take a vacation from your eating plan. Even if your intentions are good, it can feel as if you're surrounded by nothing but fast food, junk food, and other unhealthy snacks in airports, hotels, convention centers, and tourist areas.

But wait — it's possible to travel and still eat well. Keep these ideas in mind when eating on the road:

Pack your snacks: You don't have to worry about healthy choices not being available if you plan ahead and bring your own. Some portable options include nuts, fresh or dried fruit, pretzels, low-fat granola bars, and mini carrots.

Fill up before you go: Don't travel on an empty stomach. If you have a healthy and sensible meal before you go, you'll be less tempted to reach for something to eat in desperation.

Search out your options: When you arrive at your destination, take a few minutes to locate some nearby restaurants and shops with healthy eating options. When it's time to eat, you won't have to worry about where to go.

Remember, vacation calories count: Don't fall into the mind-set that your trip can be a vacation from your goal to eat well. Remember to keep track of calories on the road, just as you do at home. If you're a Duke Diet & Fitness Online member, you can print blank copies of your Food Log to take with you.

Order on the side: Control portions of high-calorie extras by asking for salad dressings and condiments like mayonnaise on the side, or requesting that they be left off altogether. Most cooks use far too much of these fatty sides, adding calories and fat you don't need.

Indulge in moderation: Part of the joy of traveling is experiencing new cuisines. Don't deprive yourself of a taste of the local flavor — but do keep your portions in check and make healthy choices whenever you can.

Keep moving: Remember to squeeze some activity into your trip, too. Walk around the airport terminal while you're waiting for your flight, stroll along the sidewalks in your destination city, go for a swim in the hotel pool. Staying active will help keep you on track.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Building Your Network for Success

While much of the work to make your weight-loss program succeed is up to you, finding proper support can certainly improve your chances for success. Think about the following descriptions, and then for each one, name one or more people in your life who could play that role in your "support network":

  • The Listener and Guide: Someone who will listen when you need it and can give advice when appropriate without being judgmental.
  • The Kindred Spirit: Someone who is "on the same wavelength" as you and shares experiences similar to your own.
  • The Helper: Someone who can lend a hand in practical ways, such as taking on a chore like shopping or watching the kids so you can have time to work out.
  • The Partner: Someone who will exercise or make other lifestyle changes with you.
  • The Motivator: Someone who will cheer on your successes and help you look on the bright side during rough patches.
  • The Soul Mate: Someone who knows you, understands you, and has your physical and emotional well-being at heart.
  • The Expert: A professional you can turn to for technical advice on exercise, nutrition, health concerns, and breaking old habits. Experts who may help include personal trainers (look for a trainer who has an exercise-related degree and certification from the American College of Sports Medicine or the American Council on Exercise), dietitians, and qualified health-care providers.

Remember, always be as clear and specific as possible when requesting help from your support network. Instead of a vague request like, "Can you help me lose weight?" try saying, "Can you watch the kids on Monday and Wednesday evenings from six to seven so I can join an exercise class?" or "Will you help me shop for and prepare healthy dinners three nights a week, so I can cut back on going out to eat?" The better you communicate exactly how the members of your network can help, the more supportive they can be.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Six Exercise Myths

Chances are you've heard all kinds of advice when it comes to working out. But are these maxims fact — or fiction? Don't believe these common workout whoppers:

Myth #1: Exercise should hurt. Whether you've been told "No pain, no gain," or that you should "feel the burn," the reality is that exercise doesn't have to be painful to be effective. In fact, pushing yourself too hard, too fast will most likely lead to an injury — not a fit physique!

Myth #2: You can target specific areas. Don't buy into the myth of spot exercising to reduce fat in a particular area. While it's true that strengthening exercises will target specific muscles — for example, crunches strengthen your abdominal muscles — no exercise can burn fat in a specific area.

Myth #3: To benefit from cardio, you have to do it for at least an hour at a time. It's just not true that if you don't have an hour to exercise, you may as well not bother. For weight loss, it's just as effective to work out frequently for shorter periods (such as 10 or 15 minutes). Remember, it all adds up.

Myth #4: If you strength train, you'll get bulky. Many people avoid strength training because they're afraid it will cause them to bulk up. The truth is, while resistance training helps you maintain your lean muscle mass, building substantial amounts of muscle is very difficult, especially when you're losing weight. Unless you're a bodybuilder following a program designed to increase your muscle mass, odds are you won't bulk up.

Myth #5: If you exercise, you can eat whatever you want. While exercise does burn calories, what and how much you eat still matters. For example, a one-mile walk burns about 100 calories — so you'd have to walk for 12 miles to burn off the typical 1,200-calorie fast-food meal of a hamburger, fries, and a soft drink!

Myth #6: There's a quick fix. When it comes to fitness, slow and steady wins the race. Don't buy into advertisements that promise certain fitness equipment or activities will get you in shape quickly or with no effort.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Get Lean While You Clean!

Could your house or apartment use a good cleaning? Got a basement or spare room thats packed full of who-knows-what? Well, roll up your sleeves and get to it! Here's why: Housework — like vacuuming, sweeping, lifting boxes, and gardening — is actually an effective calorie burner! Depending on the types of task, you can burn up to 400 calories an hour simply by accomplishing household tasks that need to get done anyway. By mowing the lawn, for example, you can burn up to 300 calories per hour; by sweeping, you can hit up to 250 calories per hour.

Set aside a time to tackle a project around your living space that needs doing — maybe a closet needs organizing or you can finally get around to hanging that new shelf — and work away until you finish. Just like that, you've completed your workout for the day and your home looks and feels more organized! You can't beat that!

Beware of Liquid Calories

Who doesn't love sugary drinks? I definitely do! Soft drinks, sweetened coffee drinks, and some fruit juices might not seem like much when you're drinking them, but they can add hundreds of calories to your diet — and your waistline! The diet versions are a little better, but only a little. They're still crammed with sodium and chemicals. Their sweet taste can even trigger cravings for other sweets!

Remember that you can have a can of soda or your favorite latte! Just be sure to consider these drinks as treats and not an everyday part of your eating plan. To quench your thirst, try herbal tea, seltzer flavored with lemon or lime, or the most sensible drink of all — refreshing water!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Gingered Pumpkin Pudding Perfect For Any Season

Pumpkin is a delicious, autumn vegetable, but why do people think they can use pumpkin only in the fall? Hey, folks — it's not just for Halloween anymore! I use canned pumpkin, which is a great source of vitamin A, year-round; I use it when I'm baking muffins, as a low-fat, high-fiber substitute for eggs and oil, I stir some into oatmeal, and I use it in desserts, like this fantastic Gingered Pumpkin Pudding.

This is not the kind of pudding that you make from a mix and pop into the fridge. This is more like a traditional, English-style baked pudding. You can serve it warm or chilled, with a little bit of fat-free whipped topping or whipped reduced-fat cream cheese on top. It's nice to serve to guests, but it's also something you'll enjoy treating your family to on a brisk evening.

Gingered Pumpkin Pudding


1 cup canned pumpkin
3/4 cup whole milk
1 large egg, lightly beaten
1 tablespoon light brown sugar
3/4 teaspoon orange or lemon extract
1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
pinch of salt
4 teaspoons whipped reduced-fat cream cheese


Preheat the oven to 350°F. Coat four six-ounce custard cups with cooking spray; set on a sturdy baking sheet.

In a medium bowl, whisk together the pumpkin, milk, egg, brown sugar, extract, ginger, salt, and cinnamon. Pour into the custard cups. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, or until a knife inserted in the center of a pudding comes out clean.

Serve warm or chilled, topped with a dollop of the cream cheese.

Makes 4 servings

Per serving: 90 calories, 11g carbohydrates, 4g protein, 3.5g total fat, 60mg cholesterol, 2g dietary fiber, 200mg sodium

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Office Survival Guide

With all the hours we spend at work — whether that means time in an office, at home, or on the road — it's important to examine the challenges that your career poses to eating well and living a healthy lifestyle.

For example, is your job extremely stressful? Fatiguing? Fast-paced? Boring? Any of these situations could push you toward eating as a way to cope. Instead, try the following tips:

  • Practice stress management. When the pressure mounts, instead of turning to a high-calorie, high-fat trigger food to calm your nerves, try healthy, stress-relieving techniques like deep breathing, visualization, and mindful meditation.
  • Learn to communicate what you want and need in an assertive way. Bottling up your frustration or lashing out in anger doesn't work — on the job or off. While it may seem scary or uncomfortable at first, as you practice communicating your needs, it will become easier.
  • Work some active "me time" into your workday. Instead of using eating as an excuse to take a break, bring your walking shoes along and hit the road instead. The quick walk will get you out of the office, let you blow off some steam, and burn calories to boot! Likewise, if you travel for your job, walk in the airport rather than pass time in the bar or food court.
  • Save some energy for you. If your job often leaves you feeling too exhausted to do anything but collapse on the couch at the end of the day, something's wrong. Remember that while giving your all at work is admirable and important, you've got to strike a balance that allows you some get-up-and-go during your personal time too.
  • Evaluate your job satisfaction. Do you feel ownership of and satisfaction in your work? Do you feel that your job utilizes your natural talents and skills to the fullest? That it challenges you and stimulates your creativity? That it's fulfilling? If you answered no to any of these questions, perhaps it's time to consider a career change or other adjustments to your job situation that will help you meet these emotional needs.

Friday, October 28, 2011

How to Conquer Emotional Eating Now and Forever

Are you an emotional eater? Almost all of us are, at least sometimes (including me!). Emotional eating means turning to food to resolve emotional issues. It means we eat when we feel a certain way — happy, sad, anxious, excited — rather than just when we're hungry. And the foods we turn to are usually comfort foods, foods typically high in calories and fat that don't provide too many nutrients, like ice cream, cookies, and chips.

Emotional eating is nothing to be embarrassed about, but if you allow yourself to eat emotionally on a regular basis, it can be harder to follow a healthy diet and maintain a healthy weight. And I know that's not what you want. So I'm here to help!

The solution to your emotional eating troubles is also your challenge for the coming week! You can control emotional eating. You just need another outlet for your emotions so you don't continue to use food to calm down or help yourself feel better. And one of the best ways to do this is by keeping a journal! Writing down what's going on in your life and the challenges you are struggling with provides that emotional release you're seeking, so you don't need food for comfort. Take some time to think about exactly you're feeling, and choose the right words, so they truly represent your emotions. You can put them down on paper or on your computer — your choice. Members can also log onto the site and use their online journals for this.

Write at least one journal entry in the next seven days, and then every week from now on — but more is always better! You'll come to love writing in your journal and see it as a secret friend. I know I do!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Become a Bathing Beauty!

There's nothing like a hot shower or bath before crawling into bed at night. And did you know that establishing a before-bed bathing routine can actually help you make the most of your z's? That's right! When you take a warm bath or shower, your body temperature rises while you're in the water, and it gradually cools once you step out. That change in temperature makes you drowsy and sends a signal to your brain that it's time to go to sleep.

A soothing shower or bath also relaxes your muscles, which also sets you up for a good night's rest. And the time spent lathering up can act as an effective buffer between the whirl of your everyday life and your bed — a place where all that anxiety doesn't belong!

Try it tonight! Take a warm shower, using some of your favorite. yummy-smelling bath products. Then change into your softest pajamas and climb into your bed, made up with fresh, cool sheets. Enjoy! The night is yours for a long, lovely sleep.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How to Read "Organic" Labels!

There is so much buzz these days about the origins of food — where it's from and how it was farmed. Because it's important to eat the healthiest, safest food possible, you're doing a great thing for yourself and your family by making careful choices! I recommend that you eat organic as much as possible — but the labels that proclaim foods to be organic vary.

If you've ever bought organic produce or meat, you've probably seen stickers on the packaging. Here's a quick guide to help you understand what's on these labels!

  • USDA Organic or 100% USDA Organic: This is the gold standard in the United States for organic certification. Anything bearing the USDA Organic label was made with at least 95 percent organically produced ingredients, the 100 percent USDA Organic label is reserved for foods that are entirely organic — meaning they were produced without hormones, pesticides, or other dangerous chemicals. Now, that's responsible shopping!
  • Certified Naturally Grown: This label is used by smaller farms that adhere to the USDA guidelines for organic food. Foods marked this way are usually only sold locally.
  • All Natural: Take this food label with a grain of salt. In fact, you might want to take the whole shaker! The United States has yet to officially define the term "natural," so it can be used whatever way the food manufacturer wants!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Improving Your Balance

While improving your balance may not be your highest priority in your quest to get active, it's a nice side effect of many exercise routines, and it may help you prevent falls and injuries. Here are some examples of balance-building activities:

Tai chi: This ancient Chinese martial art focuses on a series of smooth movements that improve both range of motion and balance. For many people, tai chi has the added bonus of relieving stress.

Pilates: A form of strength training, Pilates strengthens muscles in the body's core, including the abs and the muscles of the lower back. A stronger core can improve posture and balance.

Yoga: Not only does this ancient Indian practice improve flexibility and balance, but its many poses are also great for your posture. Additionally, yoga poses can build muscle strength.

Stability balls (also called exercise balls): Popular for building core muscle strength, exercises using these inflatable balls also help you improve balance.

Aerobics: Dance-based exercise routines not only burn calories and get your heart pumping, they also help improve coordination.

Ice-skating: This fun recreational activity burns calories and challenges your balance.

Bicycling: Taking your bike for a spin is a superb workout option. Balancing on two wheels builds steadiness.

As you can see, many exercise routines encourage better balance. Why not try one this week?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Handling Buffets

If you had to name the type of meal that poses the greatest challenge to your ability to control how much you eat, chances are you'd choose the all-you-can-eat buffet. Loaded with appealing choices, a buffet can make even the most dedicated weight manager falter.

Fight back with these ideas for facing the buffet:

Plan your attack: Circle the buffet to see all that's offered and then go back to your seat. Think over your options and come up with a plan. That way, when you return, you'll know what you're looking for — and what you want to avoid. Perhaps have a small salad with a small amount of light dressing while you consider your plan — it will take the edge off your hunger and help you make better decisions when you go back to get your meal.

Use a small plate: A small plate forces you to keep portions in check. If only large plates are available, fill at least half of yours with salad greens and healthy toppings. And remember portion control — don't heap the plate until not another thing will fit.

Pick your favorites: Don't be tempted to take a little of everything. Instead, focus on your favorites. For example, have a little more shrimp cocktail and skip the fried chicken. Eat slowly and savor the foods you do choose.

Divide and conquer: Divide your plate into sections, reserving half for fruits and vegetables, one-quarter for starches, and one-quarter for proteins. This trick helps you trim calories while adding satisfying fiber and bulk.

Stick to one trip: Before you return to the buffet for a second helping, ask yourself if you're truly hungry or if you're only eating because the food is there. If you are still hungry, have a second helping of fresh fruit, vegetables, or green salad. Resist the urge to "stock up" just because so much food is available.

Skip the liquid calories: Opt for water, a diet drink, or unsweetened or artificially sweetened iced tea or coffee to accompany your meal instead of a soft drink or alcoholic beverage. You'll easily shave off a few hundred empty calories.

Go light for dessert: Pass by the cakes, cookies, and ice cream at a buffet and reach for fresh fruit or a cup of coffee with artificial sweetener instead. These options can provide a satisfying finish without later regrets.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Perfect Festive Party Dish: Lime-Grilled Chicken With Cuban Salsa

I love this recipe — Lime-Grilled Chicken With Cuban Salsa — because it's festive to serve to company, and just as perfect when you make it for your family as a special treat. It's light and a little spicy — ideal for the summer, when you can throw the chicken on the grill, or the fall, when a broiler is the way to go.

If you like, turn up the heat with more jalapeno! If you want to tone it down, use less (make sure you remove the seeds, too, which are extra spicy!). Allow a little extra time to let the chicken marinate before cooking — 15 minutes will do it. You can also marinate the chicken in a resealable plastic bag overnight in the fridge (just bring it back to room temperature before using) and make the salsa the night before. You'll have practically nothing to do to finish dinner but cook the chicken, set the table, make some brown rice, and put together a spinach salad.

Lime-Grilled Chicken With Cuban Salsa


For the salsa:
7 ounces black beans (half a 15-ounce can)
1 ripe mango, finely diced
3 tablespoons chopped red onion
3 tablespoons lime juice
2 tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped
1/2 jalapeno pepper, finely diced (optional)

For the chicken:
4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves
2 teaspoons grated lime peel
2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
2 teaspoons canola oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teeaspoon freshly ground black pepper


To make the salsa:
In a medium bowl, stir together the beans, mango, onion, lime juice, cilantro, and jalapeno.

To make the chicken:
Place the chicken in a shallow dish. Add the lime peel, lime juice, oil, salt, and pepper and rub the mixture into the chicken. Cover and let stand for 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, preheat your grill or broiler. If using a broiler, coat the broiler pan with cooking spray. Place the chicken on the grill rack or broiler pan and cook 4 inches from the heat, turning once, until the chicken is no long pink in the thickest part, 10 to 12 minutes.

Serve the chicken with the salsa; if desired, slice the chicken into strips before serving.

Makes 4 servings.

Per serving: 290 calories, 22g carbohydrates, 37g protein, 5g total fat, 80mg cholesterol, 5g dietary fiber, 620mg sodium

Friday, October 21, 2011

Start Your Day With a Bang!

There's nothing I like better than sitting down to a good, nourishing meal first thing in the morning. And what they say about breakfast is true — it really is the most important meal of the day! Breakfast is your time to refuel after a long night of not eating; it packs the nutrients and energy you need to take on the day! I know if I miss breakfast for some reason, I'll feel tired and sluggish the rest of the day. Studies show that kids who eat breakfast actually do better in school — so think of how eating breakfast would help you function better throughout your day too!

Some people think that skipping breakfast will help them lose weight, but the opposite is true! People who skip breakfast are more likely to gain weight, according to research. When you start the day with a solid breakfast, you'll be less hungry when lunchtime rolls around, so you'll eat fewer calories — which helps keep your weight under control. Breakfast is also an ideal time to get certain nutrients that may be harder to include later in the day, like all that calcium in your glass of milk. Plus, these days, kids are skipping breakfast more and more; if you eat breakfast regularly, you'll set a great example for your children and grandchildren.

Well, what is a good breakfast? Focus on fiber — choose whole grains like whole-wheat bread, whole-grain waffles, or a high-fiber cereal. Better breakfasts also include some type of protein, like eggs, low-fat cheese, yogurt, or milk (yes, a cup of milk has 8 grams of protein). The protein will help you feel full longer. And finally, breakfast is a great time of day to eat a deliciously sweet piece of fruit. Toss some strawberries over your cereal, cut a banana into your yogurt, or just enjoy a fresh apple, orange, or peach… Yum!

Your challenge is to have a smart, healthy breakfast every single morning for the next seven days. It won't take long before you notice a difference in how you feel throughout the day — and before long, even in how your clothing fits! So enjoy your breakfast — I can tell it's going to be a great week!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Danger of Diabetes

You may have heard the news that the rate of type 2 diabetes is increasing dramatically. You may also be aware that type 2 diabetes is affecting increasing numbers of children and teens (which is one of the reasons why it's no longer referred to as adult-onset diabetes). And because the symptoms of diabetes develop slowly over time and can be easily missed, many people with diabetes don't even know they have it.

Experts say our sedentary lifestyle combined with easy access to high-calorie, low-nutrition foods are the prime causes. Or in other words, our modern habits can be bad for our health!

If you haven't had your blood sugar evaluated recently, ask your doctor whether you should have this simple blood test. Testing can also show if you have a precursor condition called prediabetes, in which blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not as high as in full-blown diabetes. People with prediabetes are at higher risk of developing diabetes, but they can often head off the illness by taking steps to improve their diet and lifestyle — just as you are doing with the Duke Diet & Fitness Online program! Losing excess weight is another excellent way to cut the risk of developing diabetes.

If your doctor does discover you have diabetes, it's not something you want to ignore. Unmanaged diabetes has many dangerous health consequences, including increased risk of heart attack and stroke, kidney damage, nerve damage, and more. Staying on top of diabetes and controlling blood sugar levels (and the elevated blood pressure and cholesterol levels that often accompany diabetes) are the keys to avoiding these consequences.

So if you haven't been tested for diabetes recently, talk to your doctor this week. If it turns out that you have higher-than-normal blood sugar levels, learn all you can about managing them. When it comes to diabetes, ignorance isn't bliss.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Dealing With a Weight-Loss Plateau

From time to time, you might notice that the scale stops moving even when you think you're following your meal and fitness plans to a tee. It's called a weight-loss plateau, and the important thing to remember is that you will get past it!

When a plateau occurs, try these techniques to get the scale moving again:

Stick to your efforts: Now is not the time to jump ship on your weight-loss journey. Instead, it's time to be more diligent about following your plan.

Step up your self-monitoring: Often, people hit plateaus after they stop monitoring how much food they're eating and how much exercise they're getting. Start keeping records again — looking over them will probably tell you where the problem lies.

Shake it up: It's a great time to change your workout routine. If you walk most of the time, try biking, swimming, or aerobics instead. Or you may want to increase the intensity of your current activity. A change in your routine often gets things moving.

Pay attention to portions: Over time, "portion creep" can happen. We think we are estimating the amount we are eating accurately, but in fact we have gradually begun underestimating portion sizes. Go back to weighing and measuring portions for a little while — this will remind you what appropriate portions look like, putting your ability to "eyeball" them back on track.

Remember recording: If you've gotten out of the habit of writing your food and exercise, this is a great time to restart, even if it's just dinner, or all food one day a week. You might discover why weight loss has stalled faster than you expected.

Write it out: Turn to your Lifestyle Journal to reconnect with your motivation for starting this journey. Read some older entries to reignite that initial spark. Jot down all the benefits of your efforts to date. Brainstorm ideas for facing the plateau. Express your feelings. Explore negative self-talk. Writing about it will help keep you motivated.

Remember, while weight-loss plateaus are frustrating, they are also normal and quite common. But don't let a plateau turn into an excuse to give up. Hang in there — the results will be well worth it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Can You Work Out on the Phone?

Who doesn't love a long chat on the phone with an old friend or a family member who lives far away? If you're blessed with the gift of gab — as I am! — you can use that time to your fitness advantage.

Turn your next phone call into a workout by pretending to sit down in a chair! How? Instead of sitting on the couch or in a chair, lean your back lightly against a wall, making sure to press your spine flat. Then, as if you are sitting down in a chair, slowly lower your body along the wall until your knees are bent to at least a 45-degree angle (but don't go lower than 90 degrees). Hold the position for as long as you can: Start with 20 seconds and work your way up to 60-second intervals. Repeat the exercise every few minutes during a phone call and you'll really give those thighs a workout!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Lead by Example to Stay Motivated

Whenever your willpower starts to wane, try shifting your focus from your negative thoughts to thoughts of your loved ones. Make it your goal to set an example for your family and be a role model for your kids or your friends! Think of how much they'll all benefit from learning and following all the healthy habits you've picked up.

Get everyone in your household accustomed to healthful snacking by ridding your pantry of sugary sweets and overprocessed chips and stocking up on the good stuff, like fresh, seasonal fruits and nuts. Invite family members to go grocery shopping with you and have everyone pick out one new, healthy food to try, like calabaza squash, Swiss chard, pomegranate, flaxseed bread, or quinoa.

To get some family fitness time, schedule weekend bike rides, or go hiking with your spouse once a week (pack a picnic lunch for some romance along the way!). And encourage your little ones to play outside so they're not sitting on the couch all day watching TV or playing video games. If they show an interest in sports, urge them to join a team! Knowing that people are looking up to you can be an excellent way to keep your spirits lifted too!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Paint a Picture of the Future

When you're trying to lose weight, it's common to experience plateaus or setbacks. If you hit a snag, you can give yourself a motivation boost by reminding yourself why you wanted to lose weight in the first place — or even come up with new reasons! This week, we want you to strengthen and clarify your reasons for making healthy lifestyle changes by painting a picture of your future.

It works like this: Visualize what you want your life to look like three months, six months, or one year from now. Take out a sheet of paper and sketch your vision — whether in images or in words. Make your "picture" as detailed and specific as possible. Focus not only on what you look like but on where are you are and who and what are surrounding you. The sky's the limit.

When you're done, take a look at what you came up with. Which parts of your current life are in the picture, and which aren't? Did you include anything that surprised you? Did the exercise bring something new to your consciousness?

Save this picture and refer back to it when you need motivation or a reminder of what matters to you. Use it as a vision of what your life will become through your efforts.

If you can dream it, you can do it!

Country Garden Gazpacho With Garlic Croutons

It's a good idea to make this gazpacho first thing in the morning so it can chill in the fridge all day and the flavors can develop. You can serve it for lunch or with some salad or steamed veggies for a light, no-meat dinner.

Country Garden Gazpacho With Garlic Croutons


  • 2 large cloves garlic
  • 3 large ripe tomatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
  • 1 medium cucumber, peeled and cut into chunks
  • 1/2 large red bell pepper, cut into chunks
  • 1/2 cup red or white sweet onion, chopped
  • 1 cup tomato juice
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon red ground pepper
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 slices whole-wheat bread, cut into 1/2-inch cubes


Drop 1 garlic clove through the feed tube of a running food processor and process until finely chopped. In batches, add the tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper, and onion; process until pureed. Pour into a large bowl. Stir in the tomato juice, lemon juice, salt, and red pepper. Cover and refrigerate about 2 hours, until well chilled.

Meanwhile, smash the remaining garlic clove with the flat side of a chef's knife or a meat mallet. Place the garlic and oil in a medium nonstick skillet over medium-low heat. Cook, turning and pressing down on the garlic, until golden, about 4 minutes. Discard the garlic.

Add the bread cubes to the garlic oil and cook, stirring, until browned and crisp, 2 to 3 minutes. Transfer the croutons to a bowl and let cool. To serve, stir the soup and ladle it into bowls. Top each serving with some of the croutons. You're going to love it!

Serves 4.

Per 1 1/4 cups: 130 calories, 21 g carbohydrates, 4 g protein, 4.5 g total fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 4 g dietary fiber, 450 mg sodium

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Quick and Easy Fast Food Alternatives


I work very late hours and rarely have time to cook. I know that eating out all the time isn't healthy, but it's so much more convenient to pick up pizza, Chinese, or burgers. What other options do I have?


Plenty! Sounds like you'd benefit from preparing meals ahead of time and then storing them in the fridge or freezer — all you'd have to do when you get home is reheat the food. At the grocery store, always look for quick-prep side items. For example, plain frozen veggies can be steamed in the microwave in less than 10 minutes, as can instant brown rice.

You can also pick up some prepared foods from the deli counter, such as roasted turkey and rotisserie chicken (just avoid the fatty skin of the poultry, as well as mayo-laden pasta salads). Homemade veggie pizza is something you can whip up in a jiffy. Simply spread low-sodium tomato sauce on a premade whole-wheat pizza crust, add some healthy toppings (such as broccoli, spinach, fresh tomatoes, black olives, and a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese), and pop it in the oven for a few minutes!

When eating takeout is truly unavoidable (try not to let this happen more than once a week!), go for healthier options, like steamed shrimp and vegetables (with sauce on the side) from your local Chinese restaurant, a grilled chicken sandwich or a single-patty hamburger, minus the cheese, from the neighborhood burger joint, or veggie-loaded grilled steak or chicken fajitas (without fatty extras like sour cream) from the nearby Mexican chain. Enjoy!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Top 4 Ab-Toning Tips

1. Suck It In
Work on your abs, even when you're not working out. One trick: Constantly pull your stomach in to work your transverse abdominus, the deepest layer of muscle in your core. This improves your posture so your stomach looks even flatter.

2. Sit and Sculpt
Sit on a stability ball instead of a chair to work your abs all day long. It's a wonderful way to engage muscles without even thinking about it.

3. Crunch and Twist
Regular crunches are great, especially if you can lift your feet of the ground and make a 90-degree twist from side to side. Try 3 sets of 20—more if you can.

4. Ride On
Do up to 10 minutes of bicycle pedaling in the air while you are lying on your back to work your abdominals.

Four Simple Ways to Reduce Your Cancer Risk

With more than 100 types of cancer out there, it makes sense to start thinking about what you can do to prevent cancer yourself. While there are no guarantees in life, there are four simple ways in which you may be able to reduce your risk:

  • Eat more plants! Study after study suggests that fruits and vegetables may be able to help protect against cancer. They're loaded with vitamins, minerals, and helpful compounds called phytochemicals — all of which work together to fight disease and keep you healthy. Aim for at least five servings of fruits and veggies each day!
  • Stop smoking! You'll prevent more than just lung cancer! While smoking is believed to cause almost 90 percent of all lung cancer deaths, it may also be involved in cancers of the throat, esophagus, larynx (voice box), kidneys, pancreas, stomach, cervix, and bladder. Plus, if you stop smoking, you'll stop exposing those around you — including your family — to harmful secondhand smoke.
  • Wear sunscreen! According to the National Cancer Institute, more and more people each year develop melanoma, a form of skin cancer, because they spend more time in the sun. Limit your exposure during the sun's strongest hours (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.), cover yourself with a hat and long sleeves, and slather on the sunscreen – SPF 30 or higher.
  • Be physically active! Besides making you feel fantastic and helping you maintain a healthy weight, regular exercise may also fight breast, colon, and other cancers and boost your quality of life! Get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week.

Start working to prevent cancer this week! Choose at least one of these powerful prevention strategies as your goal for the next seven days. If you're already doing all of them, I'm proud of you! Find a friend or relative who isn't and encourage her to start cutting her cancer risk too!

Turkey-Stuffed Peppers

1/2 cup finely chopped onion
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1.25 pound extra-lean ground turkey
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
¼ cup low-sodium tomato sauce
1 cup fat-free, low-sodium chicken broth
1 tablespoon chopped cilantro or parsley
3 large red bell peppers
¼ cup reduced-fat shredded Cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 400°F.

Lightly coat a large nonstick skillet with olive oil cooking spray. Heat over medium heat. Add onion and garlic to the pan. Sauté about 2 minutes, or until softened. Add ground turkey to the pan. Season to taste with salt and add garlic powder and ground cumin.

Cook turkey, breaking into chunks, 10 to 12 minutes, or until meat is no longer pink and juices run clear. Add tomato sauce and ½ cup of the broth. Reduce heat and simmer over low heat about 5 minutes. Add cilantro.

Cut bell peppers in half lengthwise and remove seeds and stem. Place bell pepper halves in baking dish and spoon about 1/3 cup of the turkey mixture into each. Pour the remaining broth into the dish. Cover with foil and bake 35 minutes. Sprinkle peppers with cheese before serving.

Yield: 6 servings

Per serving: 140 calories, 20 fat calories, 2.5 g total fat, 0.5 g sat fat, 35 mg cholesterol, 150 mg sodium, 10 g total carbohydrates, 2 g fiber, 5 g sugars

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Risks of Abdominal Fat

Medical research has found that where your body stores excess fat can affect your risk of health problems. Studies have shown that fat gained around the abdomen, or "belly fat," is the most dangerous, while fat in the hips, thighs, and buttocks appears to be less so.

A large waist — greater than 40 inches for men or 35 inches for women — has been linked to increased risk of many serious illnesses, including heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and abnormal cholesterol.

While sit-ups will tone your abdominal muscles, the best way to banish belly fat is to engage in cardiovascular activities, such as walking, swimming, aerobics, and bicycling. Anything that gets your blood pumping will help your body burn off stored fat in the stomach area and elsewhere.

Just as important in the fight against belly fat is reducing calorie intake while still eating a balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and the like fill you up but don't contain a lot of fat or calories. Avoid fat-laden, fried, and sugary foods. Since excess alcohol intake seems to be linked to abdominal fat deposits, drink alcohol in moderation, if at all.

Some research has suggested that stress is linked to abdominal weight gain. So if you're constantly feeling under the gun, try to eliminate additional stress in your life. In situations where you can't cut out stress, practice relaxation techniques and other stress-management skills.

When it comes to winning the war against abdominal fat, this three-pronged approach — exercise, a healthy diet, and stress management — is your best ally. Your health will reflect your efforts!

5 Steps to a More Restful Night's Sleep

Getting the right amount of sleep is so important to your overall health and happiness! If you're having trouble falling asleep at night, you may want to take a look around your bedroom and make some changes. I'll help you create a peaceful place where you can fall asleep and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world! For a great eight hours of slumber, try:
  • Cutting the Noise: If your bedroom isn't a quiet sanctuary, block out noise with earplugs or a source of "white noise," like a fan or an air conditioner.
  • Removing the TV: You may feel as if you have to watch TV to fall asleep, but watching it in bed or even on your couch might prevent you from getting a good night's sleep. A disturbing newscast could leave you feeling agitated or anxious rather than relaxed. Laughing at a funny TV show may wake you up, rather than help you doze off. So, shut off the tube and go to sleep in peace!
  • Putting Away the Laptop: "Just one more e-mail..." Does that sound familiar? Working on your laptop or Blackberry in bed can get in the way of your much-needed rest. Besides, do you really want to dream about work?!
  • Curbing Your Puppy (or Kitty) Love: If you're an animal lover, and you let your pet sleep with you. He or she might be to blame for poor sleeping patterns. Sharing your bed with a furry friend can be disruptive, and if you're already sharing your space with a partner, you're sleeping in some cramped quarters! Consider purchasing a pillow or pet bed for your four-legged friend.
  • Bettering Your Bed: Believe it or not, your mattress, pillows, and bedding can affect the quality of your sleep. A lumpy old mattress may not support your back or neck, while a an overly stiff mattress can do more harm than good (despite what most people think), causing back pain instead of alleviating it. If your pillow is synthetic rather than feather, it may hold five times as much dust mite fecal matter, which can aggravate asthma symptoms. As for your bedding, find something soft and comfortable, and make sure you wash your linens at least once a week.

With these simple improvements, you're sure to enjoy a much more restful night's sleep right away. You can thank me later!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Best Bets for Healthy Snacking

What's your "hungry" time of day? Does your stomach rumble midmorning? Are you starving by dinnertime? Smart snacking is a great way to control your hunger and keep your diet on track. I've put together a list of easy-to-prepare, tasty treats for you to safely snack on when the urge strikes!

Snacking is not a dirty word for dieters if you're careful about what you reach for! I can think of loads of nutritious, low-calorie foods that can help you feel full and boost your energy without ruining your day. Stick to a sensible serving size and you're good to go! Here are some ideas to get you snacking healthfully:

  • Cut up veggies with hummus
  • Sliced fruit with nonfat Greek yogurt
  • A few almonds or walnuts
  • Low-fat cottage cheese
  • Air-popped popcorn
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • String cheese
  • Baked tortilla chips with salsa
  • Homemade smoothies or fruit shakes

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Easiest Way to Stay in Shape

One of my favorite ways to stay in shape is also one of the easiest ones out there — walking! It's a healthful habit to adopt, and because you can do it anywhere, it's also one of the cheapest ways to get in shape. No need for a gym membership or a trainer; we all know how to walk! The challenge is to find ways to take more steps each day.

Why is walking so great for your body? Well, you're burning calories, but you're also improving your cardiovascular health. The simple act of moving is great for your heart and legs and for relieving stress. Focus on breathing deeply and walking with good posture and you'll also be working your core muscles.

It's easy to sneak in more walking during the day! Get off the train a few stops earlier, park farther from the mall, and walk instead of drive to the coffee shop in the morning. Make yourself tiny promises: You'll circle the block twice before you buy your lunch; you'll take the elevator instead of the stairs whenever possible. If you want, purchase an inexpensive pedometer — it hooks onto your clothing and counts your steps for you. You should aim for 10,000 steps a day, but do the best you can! You'll be amazed at how quickly the steps add up. Just push yourself to increase your number each day you'll get there, one step at a time!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Four Ways to Fit Fitness Into 15 Minutes!

Has missing workouts got you down? Don't beat yourself up! On those super-hectic days, take just 15 minutes to do something active. If it seems impossible to accomplish anything worthwhile in 15 minutes, think again! Even on days when you're pressed for time, you can do the simplest things to squeeze in some physical activity. Any workout is better than none! Try these ideas and feel great knowing that you're making progress toward your goals:

Take the stairs! Climbing a few flights will be just enough activity to get your heart pumping and leg muscles warmed up. Plus, you'll feel satisfied because you made the effort!

Go for a walk on your lunch break! Choose a lunch spot that's a few blocks away so you can take a brisk walk. If you packed a meal, reserve some of your break time to go outside and stretch your legs. Can't get out? Stroll the office!

Get a jump on things! No time to fit in a full-blown cardio session? Grab a jump rope for a quick one, or do a set of jumping jacks before hitting the shower in the morning.

Deskercise! If all else fails, you can still do some great stretching and aerobic moves while you're seated at your desk. Try a series of side-to-side head rotations, shoulder shrugs, arm circles, glute squeezes, and knee lifts. It's so easy, and you'll be done in only 15 minutes!

A Powerful Combo: Calcium and Vitamin D

Are you getting enough calcium in your diet to prevent bone loss and protect you from osteoporosis (a condition in which bones become porous and easily broken) later in life? Studies show that many Americans don't take in enough calcium in their diets. Women, who are more likely to develop osteoporosis than men, get less than half of the recommended daily amount. Experts recommend between 1,200 and 1,500 milligrams of calcium a day (women should aim for the higher end of the range). The body absorbs calcium most efficiently if you take in 500 milligrams or less at a time.

How can you be sure you're getting your share? Reach for calcium-rich foods like low-fat milk, cheese, and yogurt, as well as salmon, broccoli, kale, and other greens. Also look for calcium-fortified products like orange juice, cereals, and breakfast bars. Adding a few teaspoons of nonfat powdered milk to foods like puddings and soups can increase their calcium content without affecting taste. Finally, a calcium supplement can also help you meet your daily requirement. There are several types available, so ask your doctor whether you need one and which might be best for you.

While you're working on improving your calcium intake, it's important to be sure you're getting enough vitamin D as well. This important nutrient acts as a "key," opening the door for calcium absorption in your body. Without enough vitamin D, much of the calcium you eat may be passing right through your digestive tract rather than being absorbed.

Exposure to sunlight encourages the body to produce vitamin D. If you spend 10 to 15 minutes two or three times a week outside in the summer months, exposing your hands, arms, and face to the sun, you're probably getting the vitamin D you need. However, if you spend much of your time indoors, or always block sunlight from reaching your skin with sunblock and clothing (which, as you know, is a good idea when the risk of sunburn is high), you may not be. In addition, during winter months and in northern climates year round, it is difficult for our body to make adequate Vitamin D from sunlight. Some foods such as milk and other dairy foods are fortified with small amounts of vitamin D. For example, an eight ounce glass of milk contains 100 IU of vitamin D. It's also included in most multivitamins and in some calcium supplements.

The current recommendations for vitamin D intake of 200 to 400 IU per day were established in 1997. Since that time, new research suggests that greater vitamin D intakes may be necessary for optimal health. According to National Osteoporosis Foundation, the recommended intake of vitamin D for optimal bone health for adults under age 50 is 400 to 800 IU daily, and adults age 50 and older is 800 to 1,000 IU daily. Many health researchers are urging the FDA to increase the recommended daily intake of Vitamin D to 1,000 IU daily. Remember, as with any vitamin, too much vitamin D can be potentially harmful. Check with your doctor before taking any new supplements.

The combination of calcium and vitamin D in your diet is great insurance that you'll have strong bones for life! This week, focus on increasing your intake of these important nutrients if you aren't currently getting enough.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A South-of-the-Border Breakfast Burrito

One of the best things about these breakfast burritos is that they can be made to order! People who like spicy food can ramp up the flavor with some hot sauce, people who aren't dieting can add a little low-fat cheese, and people who are following my plan can have a breakfast with plenty of zip but not a lot of calories!

Breakfast Burritos


1/2 cup firm red and/or yellow cherry tomatoes, quartered
1/2 ripe avocado, finely chopped
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
Pinch of salt
4 whole-wheat tortillas (7 1/2–inch diameter)
1/2 cup fat-free refried beans
4 large eggs
2 tablespoons water
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper


To make the salsa:
In a small bowl, gently mix the tomatoes, avocado, lime juice, cumin, and pinch of salt. Cover and set aside.

To make the burritos:
Warm the tortillas in the microwave or a conventional oven according to the package directions. Cover with foil and keep warm. Place the beans in a small microwave-safe bowl, cover, and microwave on high power for 45 seconds, or until hot. Keep warm.

In a medium bowl, whisk the eggs, water, salt, and pepper until well blended. Coat a medium nonstick skillet with cooking spray. Heat over medium heat. Add the eggs and scramble until cooked but still moist.

One at a time, spread each warm tortilla with about 2 tablespoons of the beans and 1/4 of the eggs. Top each with about 2 tablespoons of salsa, reserving the rest to serve at the table. Roll up the tortillas, folding in the sides. Serve right away, with the remaining salsa.

Makes 4 servings

Per burrito: 290 calories, 32 g carbohydrates, 13 g protein, 12 g total fat, 210 mg cholesterol, 6 g dietary fiber, 480 mg sodium

Friday, October 7, 2011

5 Simple Ways to Add More Fiber Today

When it comes to nutrition these days, fiber is IT! Fiber is a nutrient that every one of you needs to include in your diet each day. According to the American Dietetic Association, most healthy adults should aim for 20 to 35 grams of fiber a day. Does that sound like a lot? Don't worry— it's not as hard to include in your diet as you might think!

Fiber is found in all the fresh and delicious foods I love: fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, and whole grains. There are two types of fiber:

  • Soluble fiber is found in oats, barley, apples, pears, edamame and other soy products, dried beans and peas, and citrus fruit. This type of fiber may help reduce your cholesterol levels, which will protect you from heart disease.
  • Insoluble fiber is found in wheat bran, whole-wheat products, and most vegetables. This type of fiber may alleviate constipation by helping wastes move through your system faster.

Fiber is also fantastic because it fills you up so you eat fewer calories and lose weight! Research suggests that diets high in fiber may also reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Additionally, fiber may offer some protection against colon cancer, although studies have not produced consistent results.

Feeling pumped to get more fiber? Here are five simple ways to add fiber:

  • Eat fruit with breakfast every morning – try berries with your cereal, or slice a banana into yogurt.
  • Add lettuce, tomatoes, and onions to your sandwiches and swap white bread for whole wheat.
  • Throw a bag of mixed frozen veggies in the microwave for a veggie side dish that's ready in minutes!
  • Add vegetables to casseroles, soups, rice dishes – almost anything is better with more vegetables!
  • Drink plenty of water as you work on increasing your fiber intake.

Challenge yourself to try at least one of these tips every day in the coming week — before you know it, you'll be full of fiber, healthier, and feeling fabulous!