Saturday, October 23, 2010

Build Your Self-Image


I'm about 50 pounds overweight, and I just started working out at a gym for the first time ever. But I feel so out of place next to all the fitness-model types around me that I'm tempted to just stay home. How do I cope?


You've already made a huge step by deciding to get fit and joining a gym — don't lose your momentum now! They — even the skinny folks — felt out of place at the gym in the beginning. And focusing on those around you instead of on your own workout is naturally going to distract you from the task at hand! But what you aren't realizing is that most folks are so busy and preoccupied about their own workouts that they don't have time to pay attention to you or make judgments about you.

Besides, you never know people's stories. That fitness-model type may have started out like you and worked her way to her current size. Focus on reaching your weight-loss goal. Be confident! Let your fellow exercisers motivate you! Just think: In a few months — with lots of hard work and dedication — you'll be the one whom people look at and think, "Wow, I wish I had that body!" You're on the right track, so keep going!

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