Wednesday, May 22, 2013

6 Foods That Fill You Up, But Not Out!

Oftentimes, when setting a goal to lose weight, people begin to restrict the number of calories they are eating. While watching your calories is a smart strategy, it’s important to remember that a healthy diet isn’t just about the number of calories you’re eating — what you’re eating matters, too!

Making smart choices is key to sticking to your diet and having weight loss success. The right foods can keep your metabolism revved up, your stomach feeling satisfied, and your hunger at bay. It’s so important to eat foods that are nutritious and satisfying.

Here are six of my favorite fill-you-up foods that will help you fight fat while managing your appetite and preventing binge-eating.

Legumes prevent overeating. Beans, lentils and peas are naturally low in calories and fat, but packed with filling fiber and protein. And since they are slow to be digested, they fill you up and keep you from overeating. Just ½ cup of beans has 20 to 120 calories, 2-5 grams of fiber and 2-11 grams of protein (depending on the variety)!

Whole grains boost weight loss. Foods like brown rice, oatmeal and barley are high in fiber and water, which keeps blood sugar levels stable. This protects against weight gain by making you feel fuller longer – and you’ll also be less likely to indulge in unhealthy foods.

Grapefruit dissolves fat. Grapefruits have more than 15 grams of pectin, a fat-blasting insoluble fiber that helps curb your appetite and expands in your stomach. It’s also packed with galacturonic acid, which gives it the ability to blast fat and cholesterol!

Pine nuts suppress appetite. Nuts and seeds are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E and magnesium. Studies show that pine nuts also have a fatty acid that releases an appetite suppressing hormone, sending a signal to your brain that you are full.

Lean protein controls hunger. Protein is the best way to keep yourself feeling satisfied. Eating more protein-rich foods like fish, eggs and chicken will help you control hunger and fight cravings.

Whole produce fights fat. Whole fruits and veggies (with the skin included) are high in fiber, which has been shown to help people lose weight! Findings show that thinner people eat more fiber, which makes sense: Fiber removes as much as 5 percent of the fat in the foods you eat and carries it out of your body before your body can absorb it.

Load up on these delicious fat-fighting foods — they will help you look and feel amazing!

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