Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How To Look Better Naked

Stop hiding under the sheets, in the dark. If you aren't feeling like your sexy self lately, I'm here to help. If you want that sexy butt or arms or abs, you'll have to start putting the time in and making a commitment to work on whatever you don't like. Once you start seeing real results, and how your body reacts to certain exercises — you'll begin to feel more confident and sexy. Whatever area you consider your "trouble zone," I've outlined the BEST move to target that region and get the body of your dreams.

  • Get a Taut and Toned Tummy: Q: How can I get a flat, toned belly? A: Contrary to what you might think, getting rid of belly bulge is all about diet and cardio rather than strength-training exercises that target the abdominals. This is because belly bulge results from excess body fat, not lack of muscle. The best way to reduce the bulge, is to reduce your body fat by eating right and exercising. In the short term, try cutting your sodium intake to 1,500 mg a day and increasing your water intake. This will help you reduce water retention and losethat spongy appearance of belly fat. Once you do all three of those things (eating right, exercising more, and limiting sodium intake), I want you to get up close and personal with this amazing ab move, the plank. To do a basic plank, start in a push-up position, except keep your hands directly un¬der your shoulders instead of outside your chest. Legs should be straight out behind you with feet together. You are balancing on your palms and the balls of your feet. Hold this static contraction for as long as you can. Work your way up to a minute, and then challenge yourself to hold the pose even longer. I've got a ton of plank variations, in my customized workouts in my online fitness program. What I love about the plank is that there are so many different variations — reverse plank, side plank, plank-ups, plank twists and more. Different types of planks target different core muscles, so do yourself a favor and work a plank move into at least one of your daily circuits. You'll definitely see results. 
  •  Target Your Triceps Q: My arms are flabby and I hate wearing anything that shows them, like a strapless dress or tank top. How can I work to get sexy, sculpted arms that I won't be afraid to show off? A: You need to zero in on your triceps — with toned triceps you can wave your arms as much as you want without worrying about upper-arm jiggle. Get started with tricep kickbacks, a terrific beginner exercise for sculpting the backs of your upper arms: Tricep Kickbacks 1) Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet hip-width apart with a slight bend to your knees. 2) Bend over at the waist so that your torso is slightly above parallel with the floor. Bend both elbows so that your upper arms are locked at your sides parallel to the floor. 3) Keeping your arms still, straighten your arms behind you until the end of the dumbbell is pointing down toward the floor with your palms facing in towards your body. 4) Hold for a beat and inhale, slowly lowering your arms back to the starting position, and repeat. To do this properly, remember to keep your abs tight and your back flat. 
  •  Love Your Legs Q: I've been working out more and my quads and hams have started tightening up, but my inner thighs are still an issue. Any go-to moves to help with my major problem area? A: Of course you need to incorporate a clean diet and an exercise regimen that is designed to burn fat, but if you are looking for an exercise to tighten the muscle while you are losing the fat try this one. 1) Lie on your left side with your legs extended. Place your left hand under your left shoulder and push up to extend the arm and raise your upper body. Keeping your abs tight, exhale and raise your hips up until your body forms a straight line from head to toe. Raise your right arm so that your arms form a T shape with your body. 2) Bring your right foot in front of your left, shifting the weight to your front foot and lifting your left foot toward the ceiling, making sure to keep the leg straight. Return your foot to the floor, then repeat. Complete all the reps on the same side, then switch to the other side and repeat. 
  • Accept What You Can't Change Q: Is there anything I can do to get rid of cellulite? A: No — and that hurts me to say just as much as it hurts you to hear. Cellulite is a matter of age and genetics. It has everything to do with how your skin lies over the layer of adipose fat underneath it — so our best bet for reducing the appearance of cellulite is simply to lower overall body fat with proper diet and exercise. In addition to reducing body fat, toning the muscles in your problem areas can help a bit by creating a firmer surface for the fat to rest on. And at the end of the day, remember that nobody's perfect. Even the hottest Hollywood starlet has a little cellulite. Do what you can to improve how you look, but don't beat yourself up over things you can't control. 
  •  Get Killer Buns Q: All of these celebrities show off their great backsides. I want a firm, round butt too— but right now I'm not even close. What's the best move to zero in on my glutes? A: You are not alone. In fact, I dedicated an entire DVD , Killer Buns & Thighs, to that region and created truly effective moves. Here's some quick advice though. One word: squats. Squats are a killer exercise because they target so many muscles at the same time — glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves. There are many variations of the squat which can target specific muscles, but if you really want to hit your glutes, the king squat is the move to try. Here's how you do it: 1) Place a bench about 2 feet behind you. Bring your right leg up behind you and bend at the knee. Then place your right foot top down so it rests on the bench, with the edge of the bench hitting you just at the ankle. Your left leg should be planted out in front of you with toes pointing to the front. 2) Bend your left leg until your left thigh is parallel with the floor. Your right knee should drop down and back toward the bench, but should never touch the ground. Keep your front left knee from going over the toe and keep your shoulders aligned over your hips. 3) Hold for a beat and exhale, pressing back up to the starting position. Complete a full set with your left foot forward, then switch legs and repeat.

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