Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Considering a Therapist?

If you've never considered working with a therapist on your food and weight issues, perhaps now is the time to think about it. Understanding the complex emotions behind overeating, binge eating, or other unhealthy habits — and then changing those habits — can be difficult to accomplish on your own. And simply following a "diet" may not help you "unlearn" some old habits or unhealthy emotional coping strategies.

Behavioral health professionals who specialize in eating and weight problems are trained to help you uncover these connections and support you in breaking old patterns. A therapist can also help you clarify your goals, identify possible barriers and come up with ways to overcome them, and provide a constructive sounding board for your concerns.

Therapists are also trained to identify behavioral health problems — like anxiety, depression, and eating disorders — that may be contributing to your weight-loss struggle.

If you'd like to give therapy a try, be sure to call several potential therapists and ask about their experience dealing with food and eating issues. Once you have found someone you think you will feel comfortable with, schedule an appointment or consultation and give it a try.

Remember, when you're trying to make positive life changes, you need all the support you can get. Working with trained professionals can help you meet that need in a professional, confidential, safe, and constructive setting.

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