Friday, October 14, 2011

Top 4 Ab-Toning Tips

1. Suck It In
Work on your abs, even when you're not working out. One trick: Constantly pull your stomach in to work your transverse abdominus, the deepest layer of muscle in your core. This improves your posture so your stomach looks even flatter.

2. Sit and Sculpt
Sit on a stability ball instead of a chair to work your abs all day long. It's a wonderful way to engage muscles without even thinking about it.

3. Crunch and Twist
Regular crunches are great, especially if you can lift your feet of the ground and make a 90-degree twist from side to side. Try 3 sets of 20—more if you can.

4. Ride On
Do up to 10 minutes of bicycle pedaling in the air while you are lying on your back to work your abdominals.

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