Sunday, March 27, 2011

Green Tea and Weight Loss

You may have noticed ads for products containing green tea or green tea extract that promise easier weight loss and a higher metabolism. But do these products work? The short answer: No one yet knows for sure.

First, you need to remember to be wary of any product that promises a quick and easy path to weight loss. These magic bullets just don't exist! No pill or potion can replace the need for a balanced diet and regular exercise in your effort to lose weight and keep it off.

However, that doesn't mean green tea has no place in a healthy diet. Research suggests that this beverage may have some healthy advantages. Green tea is loaded with antioxidants called polyphenols, and preliminary research has linked it to a decreased risk of cancer and heart attack. Some research suggests that compounds in green tea known as catechins might also help aid weight loss. However, the research so far is inconclusive, and more studies will need to be done before nutrition experts understand the effects of green tea on health.

That said, green tea is a calorie-free choice, and a hot cup serves as a soothing treat that contains about as much caffeine as black tea or slightly less. So brew yourself a cup, flavor it with lemon or ginger if you like, and enjoy!

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