Thursday, September 16, 2010

Share the Joy!

Have you ever heard one of my favorite sayings: "The joy is truly in the journey"? Learning about yourself and taking pride in your small accomplishments along the way is all part of the experience. Sure, there are tough times, but it's all part of the effort to change your life for the better. I encourage you to soak up as much of the experience as you can and to include the important people in your life in your journey as well. That's right — share the joy!

Whether you have a large group of family and friends or just a close circle of a few special people, your social ties play an important role in many aspects of your life, including your fitness. Research has shown that friendship not only makes your life more enjoyable but protects your health too. People who have good mental health and good social relationships tend to be the happiest — and the most fit!

One way to keep your friends close right now is to include them in this important journey you've undertaken. How can you reach out? Here are a few ideas:

  • Set up an "exercise date." Call a nearby friend to reconnect and do something good for your bodies at the same time. If there's a class or activity you've wanted to try, taking the plunge with a friend can make it feel less daunting. Or simply take a walk with your friend instead of going out to eat, and use the time to catch up. You'll save money and calories!
  • Make a phone date. Catch up with a friend or family member who lives far away. Block out some time for it so that you won't be interrupted. Your friend or relative will surely be thrilled to hear from you — and you'll get to talk about the changes you're making in your life. It'll be uplifting!
  • Reach out. Get back in touch with a friend or family member who seems to have slipped away. Whether you reach out by phone, e-mail, or letter doesn't matter; the only thing that matters is showing that you still care.

Share the joy of the journey with those who matter most in your life. You have the power to inspire and uplift!

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