Monday, June 21, 2010

Work the Buddy System!

Think of your closest friends. They're in your life because, among other things, they're trustworthy, dependable, and supportive — and vice versa, right? Perhaps they've witnessed such joyous moments as your wedding and/or seen you through some tough times, like the passing of a loved one. So why not share with them the ups and downs you'll likely face as you work toward your weight-loss goal? Sure, you have your family to lean on (that's important, too!). But having an objective third party there to give you a much-needed motivational boost may be just what you need to help keep you on track!

Let them in on your objectives. Tell them how you plan to follow my healthy-living principles of eating right, getting fit, feeling great, and staying strong. That way, they can give you words of encouragement — or a friendly reminder about your resolution to take the stairs at least twice a week!

If they've expressed an interest in reaching the same goals, encourage them to join in! Suggest that you go running together once a week or make a joint effort to brown-bag a healthy lunch. Knowing that someone else is counting on you to hold up your end of the bargain will make it easier to stick to your plan. And then after you've reached your goals, you'll know that you've truly been there for each other through thick and thin!

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